Speaking to Esquire, the 58-year-old said: ‘So we all met at Trump Tower, sat down. Melania was there, only she wasn’t his wife yet. And it was, let me tell you, a brutal dinner. Two and a half hours…
‘It got so bad I had to go outside and burn one before returning to the monologue monopoly. Listen, I came up through Hollywood, so I’ve seen narcissists. This guy was beyond. It blew my mind.’
Harrelson goes on to say how he felt sorry for Trump’s future wife, Melania, who was completely shuttered out of the dinner conversation that also included the then Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura.
‘Now, at a fair table with four people, each person is entitled to 25 percent of the conversation, right? I’d say Melania got about 0.1 percent, maybe. I got about 1 percent. And the governor, Jesse, he got about 3 percent. Trump took the rest,’ Harrelson said.
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