Identity politics will trump race-baiting in 2020

Race-baiting is identity politics’ evil twin.

Who stands to benefit politically from Trump’s terrible Twitter attacks? Every action has a reaction. It isn’t a coincidence that the members of “The Squad” are all women of color. Trump goes out of his way to beat up on women and minorities.


That brings us to Sen. Kamala Harris of California, one of the Democratic candidates for president. Harris is one of only four of the Democratic hopefuls who consistently polls in double digits in the nomination fight. She is not only female but also has a black and Asian heritage. About 60 percent of the Democratic primary voters will be women and a quarter will be black. Trump is setting up Kamala Harris for success.

Identity politics will trump race-baiting in 2020. Democrats, in general, will benefit from the president’s low blows as they did in the 2018 midterm elections. Last year, the president tried to whip his base into a frenzy by painting a picture of a massive caravan of immigrants heading to the United States to rape and pillage.

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