So Biden has no natural media defenders, not force-field protection, and no one in the media (other than maybe a few remaining “Never Trump” conservatives) who has any impetus to see him win the Democratic nomination. For a candidate who, much like John McCain and Hillary Clinton before him, has been used to favorable media treatment by at least some significant elements of the news media, only to see that suddenly evaporate when the media’s motivations changed, this a serious quandary that is likely to come as a shock to Biden.
While it is possible that Biden’s structural advantages are strong enough for him to withstand this media onslaught without any natural weapons with which to fight back, he would have to get exceedingly lucky. He would have to somehow hold on to a large sections of the black vote (probably with Obama coming to an unlikely rescue), while Sanders would have to stay in a solid but harmless second place effectively blocking Harris, Warren, or Buttigieg from being able to get an even shot at Biden until it is too late.
Given that a lot of Democrats seem to have deluded themselves into thinking that beating Trump will be fairly easy and that therefore electability isn’t all that important, this scenario holding for the next nine months seems like a long shot. Consequently, while Matthews’ question to Harris was absurd when he asked it, there is a good chance that eventually he and the rest of the media jackals will get Biden’s corpse for which they so thirst.
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