How Joe Biden is eating into Bernie Sanders's coalition

Our latest CNN national poll shows Biden is strong with non-college educated whites, as well. Biden jumps from the low 20s among whites with a college degree to the mid 30s among whites without a college degree. Comparably, his lead over Sanders increases from only 5 points over Sanders among whites with a college degree to about 20 points among whites without a college degree. Sanders polls in the mid 10s with each group, though the sample size of these subsamples is small, which means we need to be cautious about extrapolating too much.


When we look back at the average poll taken before Biden got in, we see both Biden and Sanders tending to do better among non-college grads. A Monmouth University poll conducted in late January, before either jumped in the race, for example, found that Biden scored 36% among non-college-educated whites compared to 22% among college-educated whites. Sanders went from 19% among non-college-educated whites to 12% among those with a degree.

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