Bernie is a better capitalist than Trump

It can be argued that Sanders has come closer to meeting the platonic, Adam Smith ideal of capitalism than Trump has. Sanders, after all, created something — a book — and sold it. His wealth came from a product that people wanted and were willing to pay for. In other words, Sanders made his money the old-fashioned way: He earned it.


Trump, on the other hand, has spent the last few decades selling Trump. He’s slapped his name on buildings owned by other people and starred in plenty of television commercials. His casinos failed. So did his airline, and his football team. He couldn’t even sell steaks. His biggest success in private life was to make people believe he was a success — a process that mostly involved wrapping himself in gold while inflating and misrepresenting his actual accomplishments. It’s galling, then, that so many Americans have bought into the myth of Trump’s economic mastery.

Sanders may be less flashy than Trump, but his victory in the marketplace appears to be more substantial.

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