The Women's March distracts from America's more pressing injustices

Earlier this month in India, close to five million women literally joined hands in Kerala, a state in the southern part of the country, to form a 385-mile kennethkonica on Foter.comhuman chain to demand gender equality. They were protesting right-wing Hindu hotheads who, in defiance of a recent ruling by the country’s Supreme Court, were preventing two women from entering an ancient Hindu temple that banned menstruating-age, meaning sexual, women because, as per its lore, they are considered “impure.”


Meanwhile, back here in the good old U.S. of A, the third annual Women’s March planned for tomorrow is in serious trouble, thanks to irreconcilable political disagreements.

This suggests perhaps that, in contrast to India, the felt oppression of American women may no longer be strong enough to sustain a mass feminist movement. The sooner American feminists realize this, the easier it might be for the left to identify an authentic social justice movement focused on eliminating real oppression faced by genuinely marginalized groups, not relatively marginal concerns of powerful ones.

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