What's funny about Mike Pence? He's 'the whitest person in politics'

You might have laughed at a satirical headline in The Onion about Vice President Mike Pence asking a waiter to remove a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup from the table until his wife arrives.


Or you could have seen the “Saturday Night Live” Christmas skit in which the stiff-armed, buttoned-down vice president says he doesn’t like “Deck the Halls,” because the carol mentions gay apparel, “which I’m pretty sure is a mesh tank top.”

Or you could have heard Stephen Colbert’s recent riff on Pence’s political strategy of being “so boring people forget you exist.”

“He is a manila envelope taped to a beige wall,” Colbert said. “He could go back to his old job. I think it was off-white paint swatch. Sun-faded department store mannequin. Ghost of a plain yogurt.”

Jokes about Pence, and impersonations of him on shows like “SNL,” have consistent themes.

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