It was conventional wisdom in the press that the caravan was a concoction of Trump’s fevered imagination. It would soon dissipate and, even if not, take months to reach the US. This widely repeated factoid was based on calculations of its movement on foot (it apparently didn’t occur to the media that the caravan would also travel by bus or truck).
In the immediate aftermath of the election, when Trump didn’t talk about the caravan as much and Fox News covered it less, liberal commentators were outraged. The diminished attention supposedly proved that the focus on the caravan had been entirely cynical electoral politics.
But there was a genuine lull in the news. With the weekend’s border incident bringing new attention, liberal outlets are back again complaining that Fox is covering the caravan too much.
The latest once again puts the left’s radicalism on display. It’s not just that Immigration and Customs Enforcement should be abolished, the liberal thinking goes; border agents shouldn’t be permitted to defend themselves from an aggressive rabble.
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