In a world of blue and red candidates, some voters chose one of each

Of the more than 2.3 million Arizonans who voted in the midterm election, roughly 188,000 appear to have voted for Democrat Sinema and Republican Ducey. Maricopa County, Arizona’s most populous county and home to Phoenix and its suburbs, also split its votes overall.


Although Ducey was easily reelected, Sinema won by just under 54,000 votes out of more than 2.3 million cast, so those split-ticket voters played a major role in the outcome. Democratic and Republican strategists say that although they started in different camps, Sinema and Ducey both found victory by being aggressively moderate and presenting themselves as problem solvers, not partisans.

“I think that resonated with a lot of voters,” said Chad Campbell, a Democratic strategist in Arizona who said he was surprised by the number of ­split-ticket voters and wonders if the intense partisanship in the country has actually “reinvigorated the middle.”

He imagines split-ticket voters casting their ballots and reasoning: “I’m going to vote for these two quote-unquote moderates and maybe they can get something done.”

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