It’s not all peril, of course, and I have at times wondered whether Jim Acosta pays the president a retainer for making him such a recognizable figure. Someday, probably, Jim Acosta will do television ads for ED or hair loss and harken back to his glory days barking at the President of the United States on camera.
It was Rudyard Kipling who supplied his cousin Stanley Baldwin with the famous denunciation of the irresponsible press as wielding ‘Power without responsibility — the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages.’ The dreadful behavior of the American press — of which Jim Acosta is a poster child — is a bit like the behavior of children at a fun-fair who discover that, for the next half hour, they can hurl water balloons at their schoolmaster with impunity. The teacher, committed to help the local school raise money for a new roof, takes it in his stride. After the outing, he returns to his serious work, while the children snigger together in the corner.
That’s what Jim Acosta is like. A feeble Don Quixote without his trusty servant, only a chorus of deluded sycophants. They pretend to be doing the public’s business but really their are just on a mad, boastful, self-aggrandizing quest to topple the ‘unbeatable foe.’
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