Here’s the situation: Florida law 102.141 4(b) details the process by which ballots shall be counted, and it requires that within 30 minutes of polls closing, you publish an estimated count of the ballots in hand, regularly updated afterward. Every other county in Florida other than Broward has done this. Broward’s Dr. Snipes has not. Local journalists have shouted questions at her, and the local officials have demured or said she was too busy or said she was “taking a break”.
In my humble opinion, “she’s taking a break” is the greatest bureaucratic incompetence excuse I have ever heard. The point is that Florida election officials will apparently tell you what they are required to tell you at a time of their choosing, not before.
What is infuriating about Florida and Broward is that the county is required to tell us how many total ballots they have, and they refuse. There is no legitimate reason justification for that. None.
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