Insulting a wounded warrior: How comedians marginalize conservatives

Davidson knows more than most about a hero’s sacrifice; his own father, a firefighter, died at the World Trade Center on 9/11. Yet partisanship, these days, seems to come above all else, and comedy is as partisan as AFSCME. Late-night comedy’s mockery of Republicans and its obverse, promotion of Democrats, is one of the most reliable and effective weapons in the party’s propaganda arsenal.


Viewers can be forgiven for not drawing much of a distinction between Democratic officials and the comedy-industrial complex. This matters because a large swathe of the country feels that the Democrats and their friends combine to launch non-stop attacks on their values.

Formerly noncontroversial ideas such as respect for wounded warriors keep getting redefined as outside the mainstream and even worthy of ridicule.

War, or whatever. Feeling alienated from Hollywood and the media is a big reason why Americans between the coasts have moved strongly toward the Republican Party, and Davidson’s remark is one more brick in the wall between the progressive coasts and the rest of the country.

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