Beto O’Rourke has received the ringing endorsement of abortion-advocacy group NARAL and a sterling 100 percent rating on Planned Parenthood Action’s congressional scorecard for his votes in the House. His website trumpets his stance on “ensuring that a woman’s right to choose is not compromised by limited access to safe and legal abortion services,” and he vows to protect federal programs that divert more than half a billion dollars annually to Planned Parenthood.
The personal deficiencies of President Trump and the institutional deficiencies of the GOP on abortion do not justify supporting those who protect the judicial and legislative behemoth that sanctions the killing of nearly 1 million unborn human beings each year.
Such an absurd strategy — if it can be called a strategy at all — not only makes a mockery of human life but also undercuts pro-life goals. Herndon-De La Rosa is correct that a successful anti-abortion agenda requires fostering a culture that supports women and makes abortion unthinkable, but voting for candidates who promote abortion on demand is not a sound way to advance such a project, regardless of their other “common-ground solutions,” as Herndon-De La Rosa labels O’Rourke’s grab bag of progressive policy proposals.
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