In 2007, when Baldwin engaged in one of Hollywood’s worst custody battles with ex-wife Kim Basinger, Baldwin called his 11 year-old daughter, Ireland — who would later head to rehab for ” emotional trauma” among other issues — “a rude, thoughtless little pig” who didn’t have “the brains or the decency as a human being” in a voicemail. He also threatened to fly to New York to ” straighten her ass out.”
In 2011, Baldwin was kicked off a flight for refusing to quit playing the game “Words with Friends” and having a tantrum thereafter.
In 2012, Baldwin punched a New York Daily News photographer in Lower Manhattan. The next year, Baldwin chased down a photographer in New York, screaming and calling him a “cock sucking fag.”
Also in 2013, he smacked a camera out of a photographer’s hand, threatening him, “you don’t want to get hurt, do ya?” Still in the same year — man, was this guy busy — Baldwin threatened reporter Tara Palmeri, telling her “I want you to choke to death.”
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