Survey: NBC's canceling of "Megyn Kelly Today" is "too harsh" after blackface comments

The survey, conducted by The Hollywood Reporter/Morning Consult a few days after Kelly argued that blackface on Halloween was “OK when I was a kid as long as you were dressing like a character,” found that nearly half of the 2,201 adults questioned felt NBC’s Oct. 26 decision to cancel “Megyn Kelly Today” was “too harsh of a consequence.”


Further into the survey, respondents were given a recap of the week’s developments and asked how the blackface comments affected their opinion of Kelly.

Here is a breakdown of its findings:

6 percent said Kelly’s comments gave them a “much more favorable” of her
48 percent said her comments made “no difference either way.”
29 percent said speculation that NBC had canceled her program gave them a “somewhat less favorable” or “much less favorable” view of the network.

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