Is the answer to punish the president by voting against Republicans? It is true that severe GOP losses would have consequences both broad and specific in Congress. But there’s no guarantee a “blue wave” on November 6 would change the minds of Trump’s boosters in Congress or that Democrats winning the House of Representatives and attempting to impeach Trump would oblige Republicans to acknowledge their folly in allowing such a man to lead their party. It’s as likely they would circle the wagons and tie themselves further to the flailing chief executive.
And it could mean the loss of exactly the kind of conservative elected officials who can help the country through these challenging times. Should conservatives in Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District vote against Mike Gallagher, a combat veteran with a deep understanding of our most critical national security challenges? Would right-leaning voters in New York’s 21st Congressional District advance conservatism by supporting Tedra Cobb, running on a platform of “social justice” and disarming the police, over Elise
Stefanik, a young, charismatic conservative?
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