According to data from ComScore, had 8,341,000 unique visitors in May 2017. One year later, they had barely half that, at 4,476,000. Most damningly, just 1.7 percent of their May 2018 audience was 17 or younger. Only 2.6 percent were 18 to 24 years old. At the absolute most generous estimate, in Teen Vogue’s digital audience — the only audience they still have after they shelved their print edition with a final copy featuring Hillary Clinton on the cover — 1 in 20 readers is an actual teenager. As it would turn out, 15 year old girls want to read “7 signs he’s into you” rather than guides to using butt plugs and ending capitalism.
And that’s not to say that girls and young women have no interest in stories about sexual health and politics. It’s simply that anonymous, apolitical Reddit groups and snarky, honest blogs like Betches and babe have supplanted the former, and readers are smart enough to seek out political reporting from professionals.
The woke suicide of women’s media, in a way, was a product of their own creation. When everything, from weight loss tips to basic human biology becomes offensive, of course a genre dedicated to women-specific issues would become toxic.
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