Turkish police suspect Saudi journalist Khashoggi was killed, dismembered at consulate

A senior Turkish police source told MEE that police believed that Khashoggi, a prominent critic of the Saudi government, was “brutally tortured, killed and cut into pieces” inside the consulate after visiting the building on 2 October.


“Everything was videotaped to prove the mission had been accomplished and the tape was taken out of the country,” the source said…

Yasin Aktay, a former MP for Turkey’s ruling AK (Justice and Development) party and the man Khashoggi told his fiancee to call if he did not emerge from the consulate, said Turkish authorities had “concrete information” regarding the matter.

Speaking to CNN Turk on Sunday, Aktay, an adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said: “Khashoggi discussed to go there or not with his fiancee beforehand.

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