Why feminists and conservatives should agree to talk about MeToo’s "gray areas"

Second, I’m not convinced it’s fair or productive for media outlets to report on the bad sexual experiences women share about prominent men in the first place. Sexual assault and harassment are absolutely newsworthy. I don’t know if that’s true of allegations involving a man treating women like a jerk, given how subjective such things can be.


That being said, by all means, let’s talk about those gray areas. Yes, it’s a conversation that should occur outside the confines of Me Too. But so many of the stories the movement has inspired women to share, even when they didn’t rise to the level of assault or harassment, raised serious questions about our broken sexual culture.

If feminists want to have a conversation about the gray areas, we can do that. But it’s a conversation that will inevitably probe the consequences of the sexual revolution, and the normalization of hookup culture. No woman ever deserves to be mistreated by a man, be he Smith, Ansari, or anyone else. But we can help women make the gray areas look more black and white.

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