How to stay sane in Crazytown

This is indeed “Crazytown,” as a quote from Bob Woodward’s new book describes it, and we are watching a “nervous breakdown.” The problem is that it afflicts the country as a whole, and not just our narcissistic chief executive.


President Trump has drawn America with him into “the devil’s workshop,” as Woodward quotes former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus’s description of the presidential bedroom where Trump watches cable TV and composes his late-night and early-morning tweets. These missives spin the administration, the news media, the country and the world — like yo-yos on a string.

The United States as a nation is caught in the president’s destructive self-obsession, and this must stop. But how can this detoxification be accomplished constructively, in a way that protects the nation rather than making the damage worse? That’s the question near the end of another manic Washington week.

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