Good for you, Monica Lewinsky

She did what a great many celebrities and less-than-celebrities do before public appearances: she agreed to particular parameters for the conversation, and she expected that agreement to be upheld. The interviewer clearly thought it was OK to disregard this, knowing Lewinsky would be the one to pay the price and look like a diva if she refused to answer or cut the interview short.


And indeed, that’s what happened with the “stormed off” headlines. Luckily, Lewinsky has had decades to become a sharp advocate for herself. Instead of apologizing, she’s telling the truth about what happened, and making clear that this isn’t just about one bad interview; it’s about an expectation that women are compliant and contrite even when someone — another woman, in this case — knowingly and purposefully ignores a woman’s stated desires.

Monica Lewinsky walked off a stage and that tiny act of self-preservation and self-respect has become an international news story. Good on her. Next time maybe she should storm.

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