Vox’s Ezra Klein recalled that he didn’t enjoy the Twitter hashtag #KillAllMen, which apparently became popular in his progressive circle a while back. “I didn’t like it. It made me feel defensive. It still makes me feel defensive.”
“But,” Klein added, “I also knew that wasn’t what they were saying. They didn’t want me put to death. They didn’t want any men put to death.” They just wanted things to be better for women.
Klein has a point, but he also misses one. I have no doubt that many of his female — or male! — compatriots aren’t much interested in wholesale androcide. Nor do I think Jeong is interested in “canceling” white people. These are shibboleths of the Woke Establishment.
But what Klein and others miss is that they can’t play Humpty Dumpty when it comes to the language they use. “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty famously said, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”
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