Nominating Kavanaugh is Trump's best decision as president

Kavanaugh is a mainstream conservative jurist with an ideal judicial temperament. If there is anything distinctive about his record, it is a strong opposition to the administrative state in favor of elected officials. He is particularly concerned about the rights of accused criminals. He writes eloquent, careful, nuanced opinions. And he also happens to be — according to my certain and personal knowledge — a particularly fine colleague and human being. He could easily have been nominated by a President Jeb Bush or John Kasich…


The arguments with the most emotional power on the left have nothing to do with Kavanaugh himself. Some want payback for the poor treatment of President Barack Obama’s last (and blocked) nominee, Merrick Garland. That is hardly Kavanaugh’s fault. Others on the left are angry because a reliable conservative is replacing a swing vote. Again, not Kavanaugh’s doing. Ultimately, Kavanaugh’s critics believe he is disqualified because he won’t vote in the ways they prefer. To which there is one reply: Next time, win Pennsylvania.

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