How anti-liberalism went global

Once we take note of this shift, the present-day alignment of anti-liberal, right-wing forces across the globe begins to seem much less strange — and actually just an extension of the same trends that emerged within the churches more than a half century ago. Now staunchly anti-liberal Americans are beginning to feel they have more in common with like-minded conservatives in other countries than they do with liberals within their own countries. That these forces are rallying around something they call nationalism doesn’t alter the fact they’re in a transnational movement.


If the right has gone transnational with its allegiances, it is the contemporary liberal center (both the center right and center left) that has come to feel a passionate allegiance to the nation and the institutions empowered to defend it (including the FBI and CIA), as well as a sharp hostility to foreign meddling in American democracy.

And what about the anti-liberal left? That’s less clear. The left has long displayed international ambitions, seeking out allies among the working classes of all countries and aiming to unite them in opposition to global capitalism. That could inspire passionate denunciations of the nationalism that’s on the rise around the world, along with the oligarchic and kleptocratic forces that so often ally with it.

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