Yet Mainwaring, who is gay himself, condemns gay marriage because of his faith and would like Fox to do the same. “Our conservative urban elites — once reliable brethren and fellow travelers — have drifted into libertarianism in order to more comfortably accommodate their sophisticated secular values,” he writes. Ironically, he seems to have more in common with censorious social-justice warriors than constitutionalists, calling on daddy Rupert Murdoch to accommodate his orthodox Christian principles by excluding gay voices on the channel.
Moreover, he accuses Bret Baier of valuing “sodomy over the tenets of his Catholic faith,” because Baier congratulated Benson on his recent engagement to a man. But Benson is not Catholic, and Baier’s praise (“Guy — congratulations! . . . Thanks for sharing the moment. Love is cool”) was not directed toward gay marriage as an institution…
But there is no “true conservative” standard to which we can hold others accountable. The word “conservative” no longer suffices as a complete identity, and I couldn’t be happier about that. In the next few years, you’ll find libertarians and young people who have found objective reasons to accept the existence of God coming back to the Church — they’ll have realized that no worldview is complete without divine revelation.
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