Moderate GOP voices on immigration are at risk of a November wipeout in the House

Overall, of the 28 House Republicans whose districts are rated as toss-up, leaning or likely to go Democratic and could have signed the discharge petition (i.e. hadn’t left the House), half of them did. That’s incredibly high number given that there were only 23 in the entire House who signed it. Among the 159 seats rated as solid Republican at this point, only four House Republicans signed the petition.


Of course, there is more to immigration reform than just DACA. We can broaden out the playing field to look at immigration positions overall. NumbersUSA, a hardline immigration group that advocates “for lower immigration levels,” has produced scorecards for members of the House, with an A+ being the most hawkish on immigration (such as the president’s immigration policy) and an F- being the most likely to support immigration reforms like DACA.

In the seats rated as toss-up or worse for the Republicans (i.e. seats Republicans are the most endangered in), the average Republican representative scores about a C+. That means the Republicans who are facing the toughest re-election races this fall are generally more moderate on immigration policy. (For comparison’s sake, in seats that are rated as at least leaning towards the Republican, the average House Republican scores about a B+/B.)

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