The revolt against open borders comes to Germany

To be fair Macron was merely repeating the standard progressive line that border controls are racist, as typified by the exchange between the German non-governmental organization Mission Lifeline and Italian authorities when Rome turned away hundreds of refugees it was bringing to its ports. “Mission Lifeline retweeted the Italian minister’s statement with a sarcastic comment: ‘When Fascists give us publicity…'” to which the Ministry of the Interior responded, “we are the bosses in our own home, the good times [for you] are REALLY OVER, understood?”


Leftists branding officials fascists is not new, but officials answering back is. The novelty and force of the Italian riposte was such that Macron signaled a willingness to yield ground. The French president endorsed the establishment of overseas holding camps for refugees, a measure which many European leftists have traditionally denounced as capitalistically heartless.

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