Luckily, technology is breaking down the barriers to entry into the entertainment field. Networks are no longer gatekeepers – heck, they are barely relevant. We can make our own entertainment, and we need to. How about Adam’s 12, a gritty crime procedural with conservative superstar Adam Baldwin as the grizzled leader of a dozen elite cops and prosecutors? The best part would be how the criminal always turns out to be the gangbanging scumbag everyone originally thought was guilty, instead of having the hackneyed Law & Order twist where the villain is revealed to be the rich businessman, the conservative radio host, or the pro-life activist. You know, just like in real life.
Or perhaps we could do a show about a guy on a mission worthy of Superman – patriotic actor Dean Cain starring in Dean Dean Cain, about the new conservative head of a liberal arts college fighting for free speech and campus carry against student SJWs and a commie faculty led by a bitter, lonely gender studies professor played by Alyssa Milano. Yeah, she’d take the role – she needs the cash.
Certainly Normal Americans would binge watch Nick of Time, where acting legend and bane of Twitter liberals Nick Searcy could play a conservative avenger who wanders the Red states, stepping in at the last minute to save Normal heroes like gun makers, born-again Christians, and people who work to support their own families, from oppression by wicked villains like uppity hipsters, angry atheists, and malevolent bureaucrats.
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