The group least likely to think the U.S. has a responsibility to accept refugees? Evangelicals

Only 25 percent of evangelicals told Pew that they believed the United States has such a responsibility, half the percentage of Catholics who said the same thing and substantially lower than the religiously unaffiliated. In statistical terms, the percentage of evangelicals holding that view was about equal to the percentage of Republicans, 26 percent, given margins of error.


The next least-supportive group was those without college degrees, nearly 4 in 10 of whom agreed with the idea that a responsibility existed. Among mainline white Protestants, the percentage was slightly higher.

There is, of course, a heavy overlap between evangelical Americans and Republicans. Since Trump took office, the percentage of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents believing that there is a responsibility to accept refugees has slipped from about a third to just over a quarter. That’s what’s driven the overall number lower; support for accepting refugees among Democrats has increased.

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