Those who said yes include Omer Meisel, a former Securities and Exchange Commission investigator who cut his teeth as a young FBI recruit probing the collapse of Enron with Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann nearly two decades ago.
“He’s one of Andrew’s favorite agents,” said a lawyer who’s worked with both men. Another attorney described Meisel as “one of the smartest, most street savvy, hardworking FBI agents I ever encountered.”
Other agents working on the Trump-Russia probe include Robert Gibbs, who’s worked Chinese espionage cases; Sherine Ebadi, who pursued a multi-million dollar fraud at the U.S.’s biggest corporate jet maker; Jennifer Edwards, an accountant who handled internet crimes against children before joining the special counsel’s team; Jason Alberts, a public-corruption specialist who has handled high-profile cases involving the New York Police Department and the United Nations; and Brock Domin, a novice FBI agent with technology know-how, Russian language skills and experience on the ground in Moscow.
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