Trump presses Arab allies to do more to counter Iran

President Trump sent two private letters to Middle East allies in recent weeks complaining that the United States has spent too much money in the region and urging them to pick up more of the burden as part of a coalition to counter Iran’s influence, a person familiar with them said Thursday.


The letters closely track sentiments Mr. Trump has expressed publicly as he seeks to ratchet up pressure on Iran while at the same time scale back American involvement in a region that has consumed enormous resources and lives in the years since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks…

After receiving a response from the Arabs, Mr. Trump then sent a second letter about a week ago reinforcing the points. It was not clear what specific steps might follow. He made a vague offer to send a team to help resolve the Qatar conflict if it would be helpful, but the Arab states have resisted the idea, saying it was for them to handle.

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