His book tackles the harmful effects of tribalism, nationalism, populism, and identity politics. Goldberg said that there’s “nothing wrong” with a little of them. He links the appropriate amount to a “pinch of salt” and that having way too much is “literally poisonous.”
“This drives me crazy about my own side these days where I talk to young conservative activists, college students and say ‘Look by all means, fight political correctness if that’s what you want to do.’ But just because being rude is politically incorrect doesn’t mean being rude is good,” Goldberg told Trevor Noah. “And so much of what’s happening I think on both sides of the political aisle is this idea that you can do almost any horrible thing if it annoys the right people. And that’s a huge part of the defense of Donald Trump, which I just find intellectually bankrupt, which is ‘Well, he’s got the right enemies’ or ‘He’s making the right people upset.’ Well, you have to look at what is actually upsetting them.”
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