The arrogant façade of the fascistic American criminal justice system that had been infiltrated by the Clinton-Obama Democratic party has been torn down and the director and deputy director of the FBI revealed as potential felons who will possibly have their own day in the kangaroo courts they so delighted in sending less deservedly accused to face. There are many vicissitudes but the American leviathan is, however awkwardly and inelegantly, reviving. But the most salient aspect of it is not the war on and travails of Trump, but the fact that the national media have shot their bolt every day for 34 months since he announced his candidacy for president. The media threw their obligation to retain some element of fairness and detachment aside, and gambled everything on poisoning the wells and polluting public opinion so badly (as they did with Richard Nixon, but he had no idea how to deal with it) that the people’s choice (by the narrowest of margins and in a stunning surprise) would be overturned. They gambled and they have lost.
My point is not to promote Trump; it is the colossal failure of the press, and the widespread extent of this phenomenon. The British national press generally supported remaining in the European Union. They failed and the opposition Labour Party has revealed itself, in its leader Jeremy Corbyn’s support of the Russians in the matter of the poisoned former agent and his daughter and in his opposition to the British collaboration with the United States and France in recently attacking Assad’s chlorine gas facility. The British media have taken commendable issue with Corbyn, but they have misjudged British opinion on Europe, scandalously misrepresented Trump as a violent and bigoted moron (exceeding even our local shrieking media parrots in that regard), and their credibility has plummeted.
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