So why are Democrats struggling to grow their generic ballot advantage? Because they continue to ignore three political realities: Most Americans aren’t as liberal as their outraged base voters (especially in urban areas); most voters want their taxes to go down instead of up; and most voters want the parties to work together when it makes sense. I’ll give you examples of each:
The census outrage: This week, Democrats were in a full-scale meltdown because the Trump administration decided to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census form. Democratic attorneys general readied their lawsuits. Liberal talking heads took to the airwaves. Democratic members of Congress wrote the most vitriolic statements their trembling hands could muster.
Meanwhile, most of America said: “What’s the big deal?” There is nothing remotely illogical or illegal about the United States figuring out how many citizens it has, as it seems like a common-sense thing to know. Our government can tell us how many zoologists are employed in each state but can’t count the total number of citizens? What a crock, and the associated outrage reminded me of Nancy Pelosi’s unhinged claim of a looming “apocalypse” should the Republicans cut taxes.
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