Stop pitting the Parkland survivors against each other

Now, many on the Right will say that Kasky is coward and backing out of the debate. In fact, many have. However, Kashuv did clearly cross a line. He’s just a kid. Kids post stupid things on Twitter all the time. The problem is that he (and Kasky and Hogg and the others) are being elevated by media on both sides of the aisle and they are doing what kids do: They strive for recognition.


That’s not to say their beliefs aren’t genuine. I believe they are honest in what they espouse, but some of them are responding to the crowds more than pushing debate forward. They are saying things that resonate with the frothing masses that have catapulted them to stardom.

Their feeds will sometimes transform into the same talking points you’ve heard and read for years. They aren’t advancing the conversation. They’re stagnating it.

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