When hypocrites are so hypocritical that they make us immune to their hypocrisy and therefore too desensitized to bother mentioning it, the hypocrites win. Therefore, even when painfully obvious, it must be pointed out.
Such is the case with Fox News Channel which, given the news of this week should be have been enjoying an embarrassment of riches — if only our president was a Democrat. And as much as Fox News still tries to pretend that Hillary Clinton is president, it is pretty clear that she is not. But since President Donald Trump — to whom they are almost completely beholden — is president, this has been an absolutely awful week of news for the leading cable news network, which until recently claimed to be “fair and balanced.”
Think about what fun they could have had with an officially Democratic president who was directly involved in the following stories, all in the same week. Here they are, graded on a scale of 1 to 5 “Sean Hannitys With His Hair on Fire.”
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