One reason Trump enthusiasts chanted “Lock her up” was that Mrs. Clinton appeared to have broken the law regarding the handling of classified information (though James Comey claimed that no prosecutor would have brought the case). Another strike against her was the blurring of lines regarding the Clinton Foundation, her family, her public duties as secretary of state, and her campaign — all of which were redolent of corruption, even if nothing was proved.
But if ever there were a crew less suited to drain the swamp in Washington, the Trump team would have to be it. Remember Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price? You may not, since his tenure was less than nine months long. But in that time, according to Politico, he ran up $400,000 in private-plane trips and $500,000 for military flights to Asia, Africa, and Europe. There were also questions raised about his private investment in a company that stood to benefit from his public action. Being profligate with taxpayer money is swampy, isn’t it? He was fired in September 2017.
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