Six things Marco Rubio said at the CNN town hall that made news in the gun debate

2. He says he’s open to reconsidering the size of gun magazines

“I have traditionally not supported looking at magazine clip size and after this and some of the details I have learned about it, I am reconsidering that position and I’ll tell you why,” he said. “Because while it may not prevent an attack, it may save lives in an attack. … I know there are, for example, handguns that have 17. So we’ll have to get into that debate, but that is something I believe that we can reach a compromise (on) in this country, and that I’m willing to reconsider.”


Changing the rules around high-capacity magazines is a big deal because it’s not among the top proposals congressional leaders have been highlighting when discussing gun violence.

He was responding to a question about whether lawmakers should address the creation of large capacity magazines that are capable of firing 15-30 rounds of bullets or more.

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