John Kelly shouldn’t go anywhere

One, Kelly has indeed been a restraining influence on Trump, even if that is difficult to believe. Just imagine a White House with all those who have now mostly been locked out — Corey Lewandowski and Co.— back on the inside to do their utmost to create the chaos and self-valorizing leaking sufficient for “Fire and Fury: The Sequel.”


Two, Kelly’s fundamental offense as far as the press is concerned is that he, unexpectedly, shares Trump’s views on hot-button cultural issues like immigration and crime.

Kelly’s boosters in the media had a fantasy that he would show up at the White House and take Trump aside at some point and explain, “I regret to inform you, sir, that there is only one respectable view on immigration and it involves a broad-based amnesty for undocumented immigrants and higher levels of legal immigration. It is my solemn duty to advise you to accept whatever immigration proposal that Lindsey Graham backs, and failing that, my resignation letter will be on your desk in the morning.”

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