God bless all the anti-Trump Republicans

The objections of some Trump critics to Republican politicians attempting to join them — they awakened too late, they are risking too little, their words are not direct enough, they are halfhearted hypocrites — are pure lunacy. Do Never Trumpers actually enjoy their righteous irrelevance? Do they fear being soiled by association with the complicit and compromised?


Some news for them. Nearly every elected Republican, with a few exceptions such as Sens. Jeff Flake (Ariz.) and Ben Sasse (Neb.), has been complicit or silent in the face of President Trump’s crazed and cruel political rise. Which means that nearly every future recruit to Trump skepticism could be termed a hypocrite. And God bless them all. Any serious, successful political movement welcomes converts rather than identifying heretics.

The current elected voices of this movement — Flake and Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) — are heroes of sanity and principle. It is the substance of their critique, not the status of their careers, that matters. And their composite criticism is utterly damning: Americans have elected a president who is dangerously unstable, divisive, childish, nasty, deceptive, self-deluded, morally unfit, deeply unconservative and thus badly wrong on some of the largest issues of our time.

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