Don’t forget their other idol, the Stogie-Stasher-In-Chief, Bill Clinton. He was such an icon that the ruling class offered up his wife as its presidential candidate twice. Oh, and plenty of alleged Republicans were cool with that – class solidarity controls, after all.
But the ultimate documentation of the utter moral vacuum in which our elite dwells is noted Hillary donor Harvey Weinstein. Hollywood has, for decades, taken upon itself to chide and chastise us normals for our many, many, many faults, because when you want to learn the difference between right and wrong, you need a movie star to help you out. And, to the surprise of no one, it was all a crock.
They knew. They all knew, and they didn’t care. Meryl Streep’s Sophie’s choice was between her career and her conscience, and let’s just say she didn’t agonize over her pick. Others took his cash to shut up, leaving other ingenues to his sweaty clutches because getting the gigs trumps sisterly solidarity every time.
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