Bobby Jindal for HHS

Bobby Jindal to replace Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services:

“From the pure wonk perspective, Jindal is the best qualified person to run HHS, to craft health care policy, to shepherd legislation through Congress, and to speak intelligently on the topic without igniting a firestorm. Put more succinctly, Jindal will not become a bigger story than Trump, and can hand Trump a win.


“The problems with Verma, Shulkin, and Gottlieb is that they are all bureaucrats. They’ve never run or won an election. They work with Congress from an administrative point of view. That’s the same problem Trump will have with Dan Wright, who’s now the acting HHS secretary.

“Trump needs an experienced politician to make good on his promises. He can’t do it himself, and the generals with whom he’s surrounded himself are as lost as sheep outside the pen dealing with health care issues. Congress has made a festering mess out of the whole process, and cannot be trusted to do anything in the next three years.”

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