But also, the first week of “Megyn Kelly Today” most closely resembled a familiar political ritual: an awkward rebranding campaign by handlers trying to humanize their candidate.
Ms. Kelly’s opening shows were filled with photo-op moments that screamed, “I am a relatable person who enjoys human fun!” She flipped eggs in an omelet pan, like a pol tossing flapjacks at an Iowa fair. She danced with “Today” show fans. She petted a dog. She was surprised by her colleagues with a cart of mimosas. “O.M.G.,” she said, as if reading an eye chart…
We can’t know Ms. Kelly’s private self, only the one she projects on TV. On Fox, the onetime lawyer had a crisp, courtroom manner, and her tenacious debate questioning drew sexist attacks from Donald J. Trump. On NBC daytime, she seems as if she learned to engage an audience by reading a briefing book.
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