Oliver Darcy emails: Mediaite managed to get their hands on a profanity-laced eight-minute video of MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell raging at his staff last month. It’s not entirely clear what is going on in the video, but it seems something was wrong with O’Donnell’s earpiece. “You have insanity in my earpiece. F***in!” he says. Things only got worse when O’Donnell heard an apparent hammering noise. “Stop the hammering!” he shouted. “I’ll go down to the goddamned floor myself and stop it! Keep the goddamned commercial break going! Call f***ing Phil Griffin! I don’t care who the f*** you have to call!”
>> Darcy adds: After Mediaite published the video, a regular guest on O’Donnell’s program texted me to say that this behavior isn’t out of the ordinary for the host. “He berates them,” the person said. “As a guest it’s stunning. It’s uncomfortable.”
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