The true conservatives hype a Trumpocalypse in a desperate bid for attention

I guess the True Conservatives are still mad about how Trump forced them not to repeal Obamacare, a mantra they had spent seven years repeating like they were Rainman, except without the “savant” part.


Do Trump’s supporters care about these arcane D.C. manhood measuring games? No. Normals want stuff to get done, and if the GOP can’t do it and dealing with the Dems can, then guess what? No one outside the Beltway cares if the Smarmy Dope and Elderly Mutant Establishment Turtle got disrespected. We avoided was a fight right now that would have taken up the 12 whole days of legislative work that Ryan and McConnell somehow stuffed into the 30 days of September after taking August off. Now the Congressional GOP is free to focus its entire attention on failing at tax reform.

Trump isn’t “betraying” the base. He’s treating the Congressional GOP like the hacks they are.

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