Yes, but, this is a matter of managerial triage. Let Trump be Trump, when it comes to domestic policy and politics. Let him pick Twitter fights galore, whether with fellow Republicans such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) or with Democrats such as Sen. Richard Blumenthal (Conn.), just to name this week’s targets. Let him watch “Fox & Friends” to his heart’s content; let him even assail the Russia “witch hunt” or the “Fake News Suppression Polls.”
Just cordon off foreign policy, or the parts of foreign policy that could lead to military confrontation. Instruct the president that statements on those subjects must be debated and scripted. Would Trump agree? Would he — could he — comply? The chaotic, risky alternative makes it worth the try. Kelly’s power is at its apex. Trump cannot afford to lose another chief of staff. So the president needs Kelly more than Kelly needs this headache of a job.
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