The Scaramucci show, week one: Every hour is amateur hour

What’s most remarkable about Scaramucci’s visceral attacks on his colleagues is that they often come on a day when the White House is trying to promote major agenda items. On Thursday morning, Apple supplier Foxconn announced that it would be opening a new factory in Wisconsin, a square fit with the administration’s self-styled “MAGAnomics” and one that the White House press office tried to promote early in the day.


But by Thursday afternoon, that issue had dropped almost entirely off the media radar, due in part to Scaramucci’s salacious and tabloid-ready rants.

“They have a decent story to tell on these economic things, which is what Trump’s campaign was about and what Anthony’s background is. But instead we’re talking about his feelings about Reince and Steve Bannon and his North Korea-esque praise of Donald Trump,” Tim Miller, a veteran Republican operative and communications director for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign, told The Daily Beast on Friday. “Maybe they don’t want to talk about health care and jobs. Maybe they just want to be talked about. And in that sense [Scaramucci] is doing a good job. Everyone wants to take selfies with him.”

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