"I think they’re playing into Trump’s hands"

Did you watch Saturday Night Live this past season?

Oh yeah, yeah. Oh my god, did you see that? And this wasn’t even a tragedy; just a guy got elected. They open the show with Kate McKinnon singing “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen. And I was sad Leonard Cohen died, I love Leonard Cohen. But at the end, Kate McKinnon said, “I’m going to get through this and so are you. [The actual quote was, “I’m not giving up, and neither should you.”] I was like, what the fuck are we getting through? That a man was duly elected president? What are you, crazy? Like, at first, I seriously thought she meant Leonard Cohen’s death. And I was like, well I can get through that. I can get through anything. I got through my own father’s death. You think I can’t get through a man getting elected president of the United States? It was so absurd that, for some reason, she was the one that was supposed to let me know that it’s alright to go on. Go on as if nothing happened. Nothing exploded.


How do you think the show has done with Trump in office, with Alec Baldwin and Melissa McCarthy and all the guests they brought in?

I love Alec Baldwin. And one of my best friends, Jim Downey, writes the political sketches. Or used to. [Downey came out of retirement to write for SNL again in the fall of 2016.] And they were great. But they were always funny. I don’t know. I have different ideas on that than most. But I think they’re playing into Trump’s hands.

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