Scaramucci just accused Priebus of a felony. For no reason.

At 10:41 p.m. Wednesday, Scaramucci tweeted: β€œIn light of the leak of my financial disclosure info which is a felony. I will be contacting @FBI and the @TheJusticeDept. #swamp @Reince45.” The inclusion of Priebus in the tweet immediately set political reporters about calling, emailing and texting their White House sources to confirm that Scaramucci was in fact doing what he appeared to be doing: Publicly accusing the White House chief of staff of a felony…


There was a reason Scaramucci didn’t respond further: There had been no leak. The Politico reporter, Lorraine Woellert, obtained Scaramucci’s disclosures by making a routine request to the Ex-Im bank for the form 278e that Scaramucci completed before working there. Woellert tweeted: “Mr @Scaramucci’s Form 278e is publicly available from ExIm. Just ask.”

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