Leonhardt likewise deems it an “outright lie” when Trump makes an ill-informed statement on subjects such as the murder rate, the number of people affected by his travel ban, or the adequacy of refugee screening procedures. Sheer sloppiness, combined with a tendency to accept misinformation that serves one’s agenda, is a more plausible explanation for such lapses.
Leonhardt’s list is also marred by the inclusion of arguable claims that hinge on interpretation. On at least five occasions, for instance, Trump has described a post-election statement by Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and Executive Editor Dean Baquet as an apology to the paper’s readers.
Leonhardt counts all five, insisting that the Times “never apologized,” which is technically true. But Sulzberger and Baquet did suggest that “Donald Trump’s sheer unconventionality [led] us and other news outlets to underestimate his support among American voters,” which certainly sounds like an admission of error.
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